Before You Mint!
Considering buying a planet? Read this first!
We do not want to be misleading in our marketing of this project, and sincerely hope that those who mint a planet understand the following things about this project...
We do not see this project as an investment.
This is a game/art project which is free to use, but through minting you can own the exclusive rights to change a part of the galactic canvas.
You do NOT own the planet design.
Designs can be copied and shared with everyone in the community. You own the rights to mutate one of the publicly displayed planets in the galaxy.
This is not a life long project.
We are building this project as a way to expand the possibilities of NFTs while also giving the community an open source project that can be referenced in future projects. The goal of this project is to make something fun and innovative for the Terra NFT ecosystem, and to provide assistance to other projects wishing to do the same.
This is not an MMORPG, p2e, multiplayer, metaverse experience.
The focus is on working with mutable NFTs to showcase how complex game worlds can be stored cheaply on-chain. We view this project as a galactic art canvas.
People CAN build on top of this, but it is not known if they WILL.
We will always be open to projects adding features and performing their own mints on top of this project, but promising that this will happen is misleading.
If you understand the comments above and agree with the rational, then this may be a fun project for you to support! We also highly recommend going through the Q&A section for more details.
We think projects like this show that the Terra community is innovative in all aspects; NFTs included. And we hope you think that too!
Last updated