Whitelist Details

This page contains more detailed information on the whitelist process from a technical stand point. This gets a bit into the weeds, and is optional reading.

In order to verify that users have 5 Luna staked, we will be running a script which gathers all delegations (address and amount) per validator, sums the amounts per address, and stores the addresses, which across all bonded validators, have at least 5 Luna staked.

If you are concerned about our snapshot not including your wallet, below we have added a copy of the script we will use to perform the snapshot. If something seems wrong here, let us know!

pageSnapshot Code

This list of addresses will then be used to produce a Merkle tree. Each address will be run through SHA256, and used as a leaf node for the tree. The Merkle root will then be stored in the minting contract, which users can submit proofs against to prove they are eligible for the whitelist.

The full list of addresses will also be stored behind an API which we will host, which will offer an endpoint to return a Merkle proof for an address (if it is eligible).

In order to assist in whitelisted minting, we will host a page on our site which assists the user in gathering and submitting this proof. This page will automatically check if the connected wallet is eligible, retrieve the Merkle proof, and create a transaction which the user can sign if they want to mint during the whitelist minting phase.

Once a whitelisted address mints one NFT during the whitelisted minting event, the address will be marked so that it can not mint any additional NFTs until the opening of public minting.

Last updated