
Galactic Spec is a set of functions defined off-chain which define the layout of the galaxy. A majority of functions in the specification convert a planetID (1-5,000) or a solar system ID (1,250) into useful display information. Some examples of functions are...

  • getTotalSystems(totalPlanets: number)

  • planetIdToSystemId(planetID: string)

  • getSystemPosition(systemId: string)

  • getSystemColor(systemId: string)

  • getSystemName(systemId: string)

In essence, Galactic Spec takes the one hard-coded unique aspect of a planet NFT (the ID) and turns it into all the variety in the galaxy. This makes the galaxy design more flexible and avoids placing static data on the blockchain.

Will Galactic Spec change in the future?

Potentially, but this will be done with warning and/or an informal vote to update the specification.

Before we perform any change to the Galactic Spec, we will try to have the frontend repository open sourced. This will allow people to host previous versions of the specification if they disagree with direction (or create their own). In addition, we will likely include options on our frontend to go to pervious versions provided they are compatible.

What if someone creates an alternative frontend for Intergalactic Planetary that does not follow Galactic Spec?

That's fine. Even if the data was stored on-chain, they could ignore it and render the galaxy differently. In other words, storing data on-chain does not prevent people from misrepresenting the data.

Last updated