🗓️Important Dates and Roadmap

Important Dates

The following dates are in UTC and are in DD-MM-YYYY format.

  • 1-12-2021 12AM UTC - Snapshot taken of Luna stakers. Please remain in your staking position until the snapshot is confirmed on twitter.

  • 15-12-2021 12AM UTC - Whitelist minting begins.

  • 18-12-2021 12AM UTC - Open minting begins.


At this time, the scope of this project is limited to creating a collaborative art experience in the form of a galaxy with customizable planets.

We are NOT promising an MMORPG, or a deeper gaming experience at this time, as we can not back those promises comfortably.

What we can confirm is the following...

  • Updates after launch to patch bugs, add features, and maintain device compatibilities during 2022 (with more casual support likely extending further)

  • Release of additional scenery models for decorating planets.

  • Release of new planet standards (For example, voxel planets)

  • Open-sourcing of all source code (Likely within 2021).

  • Free usage of all 3D models, textures, music, and other assets produced for this project (even for commercial use).

  • Open communication for devs and projects wanting information on how the project works/how to navigate our repo.

Last updated