Planets are the player-owned aspect of this project and are the subject of our minting event. Planets are completely customizable by their owners and changes to the planet can be committed to the blockchain for everyone to see.
In total, there will be 5,000 planets available for minting. All planets will have the same capabilities as all the others (there are no rarity levels), so every owner has access to the same tools for creating. Planet IDs are unique though, and planets with smaller ID numbers will be located in systems closer to the center of the galaxy. Additionally, planets with neighboring IDs will be grouped together in solar systems in the galaxy.
How do I edit my planet?
On our website, all in browser! The editor will be live when minting begins.
Editing Features Include:
Sculpt the terrain
Raise and lower the seas
Adjust the atmosphere
Paint the landscape
Decorate the landscape
How much does a planet cost to mint and update?
Planets are minted for 5 UST.
Updating planets should be cheap. Based on local testing, it will cost about $0.05 UST to update a planet. The frontend charges NO additional fee; you will only pay gas.
What is stored in the NFT contract?
In order to keep gas low and on-chain storage at a minimum, Intergalactic Planetary only stores data on-chain if the data is mutable by the end user. Everything else can be described as a standard and stored off-chain.
All planet data is stored as base64 encoded string in the contract and follows the format specified by GEOv1 (Full spec will be available soon).
GEOv1 stores the following information...
Planet surface height and color
Scenery model IDs, colors, and locations
Atmosphere height, density, and color
Water height, density, and color
Color definitions
Elements like model files for scenery, solar system position, and star color are elements stored off-chain under Galactic Spec.
Will there be other planet formats in addition to GEOv1?
Since the smart contract is non-format specific, additional formats can possibly be produced, allowing users to pick different formats of planets to make and store on-chain. For example, we currently do not support gas planets, but a format called GASv1 could be created and support could be added to the frontend to allow for such planets. Stay tuned...
Last updated